Implementation of the Leapfrog-Chebyshev method.
exp 4
Exponential integrator by Marlis Hochbruck, Christian Lubich and Hubert Selhofer.
- Description of the matlab code
- Description of the C code, Version 1.1 (October 1997)
- Paper
- C-Code, Version 1.1 (October 1997) (100 kB gzipped tar file)
- Matlab-Code (15 kB gzipped tar file)
Corotational filter for a mollified impulse method by Lukas Fath, Marlis Hochbruck and Chandra Veer Singh.
- LAMMPS(released in version 17Mar2017)
- documentation page of the fix filter/corotate command
- Filter/Corotate on GitHub
- Paper