Numerical Analysis Group
Our research is mainly focused on numerical mathematics. We are interested in the numerical solution of time dependent ordinary and partial differential equations, numerical linear algebra, and numerical methods for image processing.
Scientists of the Numerical Analysis Group are involved in the Collaborative Research Center 1173 "Wave phenomena - analysis and numerics" at KIT. They are working on the research projects A2, A4, and A7 as well as B10. See here.
Room 3.002 (3rd floor)
Opening hours
MO - TH | 9am to 12pm |
MO - TH | 1pm to 4pm |
Telephone | +49 721 608-42061 |
Fax | +49 721 608-43767 |
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Seven people of our group took the opportunity to refresh the first aid skills. The most relevant topics were presented in the first aider training. This included applying a pressure bandage where we took the photo.
First aider training (German only)
We are pleased to announce the publication of the book "Numerische Mathematik - Eine anschauliche modulare Einführung" by PD Dr. Markus Neher. This new textbook has been published by Springer Verlag and is now available to order.
To the publisher
Congratulation to Marlis Hochbruck. In May 2024 the Elite Network of Bavaria appointed her as a member of the International Commission. The Commission, which is composed of pre-eminent figures, advises the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts in setting up and evaluating Elite Graduate Programs, International Doctorate Programs and Junior Research Groups under the umbrella of the Elite Network of Bavaria.
Further information
Congratulations to Benjamin Dörich. His project “Numerical methods for nonlinear optics in plasmonic nanogaps” was recognized as a KIT Junior Research Group and he was appointed “KIT Associate Fellow” on 07.05.2024. As a “KIT Associate Fellow”, he has the opportunity to participate in the doctoral procedures of his own group members.
Further information

From March 18 to 22, 2024, the 7th annual meeting of the Collaborative Research Center 1173 will take place in Bad Herrenalb in the Haus der Kirche.

From March 10 to 15, 2024, the workshop Nonlinear Optics: Physics, Analysis and Numerics will take place in Oberwolfach. Marlis Hochbruck is organizer of the workshop together with Kurt Busch and Houghton Ramy El-Ganainy.
Further information
Congratulations to Bejamin Dörich who applied successfully to a KHYS Research Travel Grant. In summer he will go to and stay some time in Zurich. Well done.
KHYS Research Travel GrantCongratulations!
Julian Dörner was awarded the CRC Prize 2023 for his outstanding Master's thesis.

The CRC workshop Time Integration of PDEs took place from October 09 to 13, 2023 in the Marburger Haus (Hirschegg, Austria).

The KIT Senate appointed Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck on the meeting on April 17, 2023, for a term of four
years until March 31, 2027, as the new ombudsperson for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice.
We are glad about her appointment and wish her every enjoyment in her new task.

Marlis Hochbruck, Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics 1, has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics for four years from January 1, 2023.
Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics (MFO)
The new book Wave phenomena has been published in the series Oberwolfach Seminars. Marlis and Jonas are co-authors of this CRC's work.
The book at the publisher
We welcome our new working group member Barbara Valnion and wish her a good start in her new position.

We welcome Raphael Adalid Braun in our group and wish him all the best for his dissertation project.

Dr. Tobias Kliesch left the KIT and we wish him all the best for his future.

We welcome Malik Scheifinger in our group and wish him all the best for his dissertation project.

We welcome Julian Dörner in our group and wish him all the best for his dissertation project.